When confronted with an issue of first impression – how to authenticate text messages – the Colorado Court of Appeals chose not to reinvent the wheel.  Rather, it wisely borrowed from the Federal Rule of Evidence (“FRE”) 901.

Factual Background

In People v Heisler, the defendant and victim had been romantically involved.  They remained in touch after they broke
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Earlier this year, I wrote about the then-proposed changes to the Federal Rules, and how those changes (if implemented), could impact electronic discovery. (February 15, 2017 blog)  Well, the time has come — effective December 1, 2017, the amendments to Federal Rule of Evidence 902 “Evidence That is Self Authenticating” went live.

As the title suggests, Federal Rule
Continue Reading The New Rules of Federal Evidence Have Arrived

The Federal Rules are undergoing more changes!  And, effective December 1, 2017, there will be two new Federal Rules of Evidence (Rules 902[13], [14]) that will directly impact e-discovery in the federal courts.  These Rule changes are critical because, as aptly put by recently retired Magistrate Judge John Facciola, “[t]he Federal Rules of Evidence were…established to create uniformity in evidence
Continue Reading More Proposed Changes to the Federal Rules that Will Inevitably Impact Electronic Discovery and Federal Practitioners