The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) recently identified cyberthreats as an enforcement priority (see 2021 Examination Priorities). Within months of the Commission’s announcement, the Commission brought three enforcement actions* which resulted in sanctions against eight investment advisory firms who failed to report cyber related attacks, failed to adopt, or failed to implement proper cybersecurity policies in
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Cyber Threat
Cyber Threats on the Rise During COVID-19 Pandemic
By Farrell Fritz P.C. on
Posted in Cyber Security, ESI
As the coronavirus (“COVID-19”) causes countless companies and employers to implement remote working environments, millions of Americans will be working from home. It is, therefore, critically important to remain vigilant about cybersecurity best practices.
As observed in recent news alerts, cybersecurity threats, perpetuated by opportunistic cyber-criminals preying on a vulnerable virtual workforce, are on the rise. In fact, hackers around…
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